What’s New?

Our Services

From general to cosmetic, we've got you covered.

Our Team

Meet our amazing team

Book an Appointment

We love to talk. It's how we show our beautiful work.

Our Opening Hours...

It's Monday 4:18 AMSorry, we're closed
Monday10:00 AM — 8:00 PM
Tuesday10:00 AM — 8:00 PM
Wednesday10:00 AM — 8:00 PM
Thursday10:00 AM — 8:00 PM
Friday3:00 PM — 8:00 PM
Saturday10:00 AM — 8:00 PM
Sunday10:00 AM — 8:00 PM

Book your Appointment ...

The days of sitting and waiting in the lobby at The Smile Factory for routine dental treatment or preventive dental care service are over. Wait no more – The Smile Factory now takes appointments online!

You have the convenience to schedule a visit online ...

... Go to The Smile Factory at your appointment time, check-in at the front desk and get seen by our board-certified Doctors — No waiting necessary!