Q. How often should I see a dentist?

A. We recommend routine dental checkups every 6 months. Your dentist would be able to identify and treat, in case of any dental issue, before it gets worse. Remember prevention and mitigation are both better and cheaper than cure.

Q. How often should I brush my teeth?

A. At least twice a day, every day!

Consult your dentist on the proper brushing technique, because, using a wrong technique might cause more harm. We recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush and brushing for 2-3 minutes at least. The Smile Factory specializes in awareness of proper brushing technique and also for recommending the right toothbrush for you.

Q. Is there actually a "Keera" (کیڑا ) in my teeth?

A.  No. The black thing on your tooth is actually a decay. Bacteria in the mouth digest sugary foods and produce acid which causes tooth decay.

Q. How often should I replace my toothbrush?

A. It is recommended that you replace your brush every 3 months. With each use, the bristles become worn and cleaning effectiveness decreases. Depending on your oral health, you may need to replace your brush sooner, especially if you have a cold or flu.

Typically, children toothbrushes need to be replaced more regularly than adults.

Q. Will Scaling remove Enamel or Weaken my Teeth?

A. No. Scaling only removes the hardened plaque deposits (aka calculus) from the surface of the teeth. It does not harm or affect the tooth itself.

Q. What diet is conducive of good oral health?

A.  A hard, fibrous diet devoid of sugars is best for teeth to avoid cavities and plaque deposition. Also try to limit the use of tobacco products, alcohol, and soft drinks

Q. What is a Root Canal Treatment (جڑوں کا علاج)? Is it necessary or can a simple filling procedure work?

A.  A tooth has 3 Layers; Enamel Dentin & Pulp. When the decay or cavity is limited to the enamel layer or upper part of the dentin layer, a simple filling is enough to restore the tooth. However, when the decay reaches the deeper layers of dentin or the pulp itself, the filling will not relieve the symptoms of pain and may even lead to infection and swelling. Therefore, it is necessary to clear out the root canals of the tooth and fill in the entire root canal system.

what-is-root-canal-treatment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What should I expect during my appointment?

A. One of our staff members will compile your medical and dental history during your first visit. We will then examine your teeth and gums, check for any anomaly and assess your primary complaint. After we review your dental profile, we will discuss a diagnosis with you. If treatment such as a root canal (endodontics), braces (orthodontics) or oral surgery is needed, we will plan to treat you in our office by our specialists. We will discuss your options for treatment and fee payment and help you determine the best plan to fit your needs.

We will discuss any pain or problems you may be experiencing and answer any questions you may have.

Q. What does “painless dentistry” mean?

A. Painless dentistry is a means of ensuring your total experience in our office is as stress-free and pain-free as possible. We will discuss treatment options that may require no local anesthetic and whenever possible, alleviate pain by the means most comfortable to you.

Q. What if I have an emergency?

A. Please call our office as soon as you determine that you have a dental emergency. We will be glad to work you into our schedule if you have a dental emergency during regular business hours. After hours, over the weekend and during holidays, please call our office for the doctor’s emergency contact number.

Q. Can the dentist whiten my teeth?

A. There are several methods available for bleaching the teeth: in-office, or daily. One session of in-office bleaching generally lasts one and a half to two hours, and you can read or relax during the treatment.

Other over-the-counter daily bleaching products are available, but it is important to use any bleaching product only under the supervision of a dentist. To achieve the whitening results you desire. it is recommended that you seek the professional advice of a dentist, including examination and diagnosis of the cause of tooth discoloration before you begin any bleaching program.

Q. What if I have a gap in my teeth, a chipped tooth or teeth that do not respond to normal bleaching methods?

A. We have many different procedures that can help these problems. Porcelain veneers are designed to look like your natural teeth and are individually attached to the fronts of your existing teeth. Veneers can be positioned to close gaps. Bonding utilizes a composite material made of plastic to fill in areas of your teeth and correct chipping and shape problems. Both porcelain veneers and bonding are color-matched to the rest of your teeth.

Q. What kind of toothbrush should I use?

A. Adults should use a small to medium size toothbrush with soft to medium bristles. The head of the brush needs to be small enough to brush all areas of the mouth thoroughly, specifically the back of the mouth, which can be hard to reach. Children should use small toothbrushes with soft bristles. People with sensitive teeth can benefit from using gentle, soft-bristled toothbrushes. Many kinds of toothbrushes are available. Your dentist can help you decide which type of brush is most suitable for you.

Q. Is a powered toothbrush more effective than a manual toothbrush?

A. Generally, manual toothbrushes are just as effective as powered toothbrushes. Children may find brushing with a powered toothbrush more exciting. If you have difficulty using a manual toothbrush, a powered toothbrush may be much more comfortable and easier to use. Regardless of what toothbrush you choose, be sure to select the one you like and find easy to use.

Q. Is one type of toothpaste better than others?

A. No. However, we recommend you use a toothpaste that contains fluoride and suits your needs, which means it has been assessed for safety and effectiveness. Studies consistently show that fluoride helps strengthen and rebuild tooth structure, and helps prevent dental decay.

We don't recommend taking medicated toothpaste such as Paradontax or Sensodyne for extended periods. Visit us at The Smile Factory for more information.

Q. How often should I floss?

A. You should floss once daily to prevent cavities from forming in between the teeth. Flossing also helps preserve the health of your gums.

Q. What’s the difference between a cap and a crown?

A. A cap is the same as a crown. Both restorations are designed to restore a tooth that is severely broken, fractured or decayed by literally covering or capping the tooth. Dentists often use the term crowns. But most people call stainless steel or gold restorations crowns, and tooth-colored restorations caps.

Q. Do I need to see my family dentist while in braces?

Yes! Regular checkups with your family dentist are important while in braces. Your family dentist will determine the intervals between cleaning appointments while you are in braces.

Q. What’s the difference between a partial denture and a bridge?

A. Both are used to replace missing teeth. A bridge is sometimes called a fixed partial denture. It fills a space previously occupied by a tooth. There are three main types of bridges. A fixed bridge is the most popular and consists of a filler tooth attached to two crowns, which fit over existing teeth and hold the bridge in place.

A partial denture is removable and typically consists of replacement teeth attached to gum-colored bases that are connected via the metal framework. The denture is attached to natural teeth with either metal clasps or precision attachments, which are virtually invisible.

Q. If I get a root canal, do I need a crown?

A. Not necessarily. While most teeth do need a crown following a root canal, every tooth that needs a crown does not need root canal treatment.